Thursday, December 31, 2009
With the new year approaching, a decade gone, it is always a good time to sit down for a few hours (if not more) to determine what will happen to you in the coming year. Why would I want to determine what will happen to me in the coming year? You might ask. Well the reason is this: if you don’t determine what will happen to you then anything will happen to you good or bad. By determining what will happen to you, you set in you mind, the conscientious and the sub conscientious, the direction in which you want to go. You have the opportunity to set the location and start out on your journey to get there. Without any direction who know where you will go, you could go forward, or backwards! So I encourage you to take a few hours determine what will happen to you in 2010 and in one year you will be surprised at how accurate you are!
Monday, December 21, 2009
As the school semester comes to a close I recall the years when I was in school and I remember how important it is to study. So what happens when we leave school? Most adults quit studying. Today, I am suggesting that we don’t stop studying, that we continue to study and grow our minds. Study your competition, study your own products, study your kids, your mate, you can study just about anything. By studying you keep your mind fresh and active! If you study the components of your life that are valuable to you, you will increase that value. So send your mind back to school and start studying, again!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
If you have not you will be . . . disappointed at some point in you life. How does this happen? How can we overcome the disappointment?
For starters disappointment stems from hope; hope comes from wanting something or someone, and to phrase a movie Hope does not float. With hope we have no control over the results. Thus when the results are not what we have “hoped” for we are disappointed.
To cure the disappointment we must eliminate the hope, taking control of the situation and of our futures. Changing our mentality from Hoping to willing we start to invest action into the results. When we put actions and efforts into the results we start to take control of the end results. By controlling the end results we will curtail the disappointment.
In short eliminate hope, take action, and disappointment will be reduced
For starters disappointment stems from hope; hope comes from wanting something or someone, and to phrase a movie Hope does not float. With hope we have no control over the results. Thus when the results are not what we have “hoped” for we are disappointed.
To cure the disappointment we must eliminate the hope, taking control of the situation and of our futures. Changing our mentality from Hoping to willing we start to invest action into the results. When we put actions and efforts into the results we start to take control of the end results. By controlling the end results we will curtail the disappointment.
In short eliminate hope, take action, and disappointment will be reduced
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Getting old
With another birthday here and gone it makes me think; What happens when you get older?
The answers that come to my mind are many and wonderful. Some see getting older as a step closer to the end line, I see getting older as opportunity to grow faster. How? By utilizing the knowledge and the skills that you have acquired in the past. You should know more this year than you did last year, you should be more skillfull this year than last year. So you can take that knowledge, take those skills and produce more results faster and better.
So do not look at a birthday as another day, another step closer to death, look at your birthday as a day in which you can benchmark yourself and know that you are better this year than you were last year! Keep living and keep striving, everyday you are better than the day before!
The answers that come to my mind are many and wonderful. Some see getting older as a step closer to the end line, I see getting older as opportunity to grow faster. How? By utilizing the knowledge and the skills that you have acquired in the past. You should know more this year than you did last year, you should be more skillfull this year than last year. So you can take that knowledge, take those skills and produce more results faster and better.
So do not look at a birthday as another day, another step closer to death, look at your birthday as a day in which you can benchmark yourself and know that you are better this year than you were last year! Keep living and keep striving, everyday you are better than the day before!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Giving Thanks
Every year in America we stop for a day fill our bellys full of food and give thanks. As my friend Bob said this is the one holiday that is not based on a war, someones death, or a religious event. It is truely a day to sit back and be thankful for what you have. But why show thanks on one day, why not be thankful year round? Another friend always said a day living is so much better than the alternative. How true is that! So sit down enjoy the feast on Thanksgiving but remember live is short, life is precious, and the year is too long to be thankful for just one day.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Top 20
If you are in business are went to school and studied business then you have most likely have heard of Pareto's Law. This law basically states that you get 80%of your reward from 20% of your activity. This law is true in everything, business, and in life. For example in sales you will get most of your income/sales from 20% of your clients. Can we utilize this law in everything that we do? Absolutely we can! Just think about it if you focus 100% on the top 20% we can see an 80% return! And we won’t have to worry about the other 80%.
First make a list of what is important to you
Then rank the list from most important to least important
Then draw a line separating the top 20% from the lower 80%
Everything above the line should get 100% of your attention, effort, and focus.
The other 80% will take care of its self.
Following Pareto's Law and the above simple steps will help you in all your endeavors regardless of what they are.
So now go out and focus on the top 20!
First make a list of what is important to you
Then rank the list from most important to least important
Then draw a line separating the top 20% from the lower 80%
Everything above the line should get 100% of your attention, effort, and focus.
The other 80% will take care of its self.
Following Pareto's Law and the above simple steps will help you in all your endeavors regardless of what they are.
So now go out and focus on the top 20!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Stretching your mind
We all know that we should get a proper stretch in on our muscles before we do any strenuous activity, but what about for our minds? Have you ever though about stretching your mind, creating flexibility with in your cerebellum so your mind can stretch and mold to the problems that need attention? How can you stretch your mind so that it can be flexible? Well I am not a neurologist, but I do believe you can easily stretch your mind by doing one simple task about 15 to 20 minutes a day, READ! Reading will provide your mind with stimulation as well as information that will enable your mind to grow. So if you are in highly problematic situations the simple task of reading will stretch your mind so you will be more flexible. So go to the bookstore, library, or your old stash of unread books and READ!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Moving is a part of life that will continue to happen, moving is almost as guaranteed as death, taxes, and change. We are going to be moving, either forward or backwards. We move from one location to another, from one job to another, and from one relationship to another. If we know in advance that we will be moving (and we all will move) what can we do to prepare for the move?
First, know what is important to you; keep what is and leave what is not
Second, know why you are moving; knowing why you are going in a specific direction will help you get there faster and leave quicker!
Third, leave no regrets; once you move MOVE! don't worry about what you left or start thinking about what could of or what should of. Move forward and grow better!
These three steps alone will help you in any moving situation, now get out and MOVE!
First, know what is important to you; keep what is and leave what is not
Second, know why you are moving; knowing why you are going in a specific direction will help you get there faster and leave quicker!
Third, leave no regrets; once you move MOVE! don't worry about what you left or start thinking about what could of or what should of. Move forward and grow better!
These three steps alone will help you in any moving situation, now get out and MOVE!
Monday, October 19, 2009
With the economy where it is at, unemployment inching higher daily, and I am sure individual stress is getting higher, what can we do to protect ourselves. There are several things one can do, first eat right, doctors and nutritionists have been telling us for years that the right foods will help lower our stress levels. next exercise, working out is a great way to release the tension and build stamina to help fight off stress in the future. Another way is to be financially prepared, Dave Ramsey and other financial experts say you need at least 3 months of your expenses in cash, locked up and saved away in case of big emergencies. I recommend more than 3 months. Why do this, well if you know you have cash to protect yourself in case of emergencies the big emergencies are not as big anymore. For instance a few weeks ago one of my wife's tires blew out, we had to replace it, the new tire cost $145.00. if we could drive on three wheels i would but we had to buy the tire, thankfully we have an emergency fund and this unexpected expenses did not cause any stress. We knew where to get the money and we kept moving forward with out skipping a beat. I am sure there are other was to relieve stress or avoid it all together, but i highly recommend the emergency fund in help elevate the stress caused from monetary expenses!
Monday, October 12, 2009
This past weekend we said our finally goodbyes to one of my uncles. At the ceremonies I started to think, what is death and what is it all about. In life some believe it is the end, while others believe it is the beginning. I am with the latter; I believe death is a beginning of something new, something better. The same is true in relationships, work life, projects, everything that has an end. I know in my life there are some projects that died, they dies because the time was not right, the money was not there, or the project just was not that good, but the death of the project brought a new project, new life, that was bigger, better, and money was available for it. So when I look at death, I am not disappointed or upset, I am happy and excited because I know the death brings new life that is bigger and better than the one before it!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Recipe for Success
Last week i was baking a cake and I started to think more and more about the secrets to success. The older we get and the wiser we become we start to realize that success is not a secret it is a recipe that needs to be followed exactly. Just like baking a cake you need the right ingredients and you have to follow directions exactly. You first need to know what the finish product will be, then we need to determine what ingredients we need, thirdly we need to know the order, and finally we need to know the cooking time. For a cake the above is easy it is written down for us in a cookbook or on a box with most of the ingredients placed in their. In life it is not as easy. The ingredients that we will need might be education, skills, the acquaintance of certain people, and time. Just like our cake we must have a vision of what we want, have the proper ingredients, and spend the required time to achieve our individual success! Find your cake and in this case you can eat it too!
Monday, September 28, 2009
The game of Life: its up to you

I was sitting at the computer thinking about one of my favorite games; Life. If you have not played this game it is a simple one yet very fun. You basically spin the wheel it your fate is decided for you; your occupation, if you get married, number of kids, houses, cars, etc. As you spin throughout the game you can achieve fortune or misfortune, take shortcuts, or suffer major setbacks (losing a turn, etc.) All of these things can happen to us in real LIFE, except for one major component. We get to decide who we want to become, where we want to live, who we want to marry, how many kids we want to have, and how we want to live our lives. It is this power this choice that makes life so unique. If we make the choice, if we DECIDE to do what ever it takes to get to where ever we want to go we will get their. A good friend of mine and amazing speaker Dave "the Shef" Sheffield always says "life leaves clues: to be successful follow successful people". One addition I would like to add to Dave's saying is you can also be unsuccessful by following unsuccessful people. So make the right choices. After all this is the only chance we have!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The power of Knowledge
Many contend that knowledge is power! I totally disagree, true power is the application of the knowledge that one has acquired. I personally have never seen a set of books get up and do something (I look at my bookshelf often to see if it will happen!), yet they are filled with information to move the world. It is only when a person reads the information and is compelled to act, is when the knowledge becomes power. So don't just read and get smart, apply the information and ACT!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Role of govt
What should be the role of govt.? Should it be all knowing and responsible for everything we do or should be a government based on empowering principles? I believe it should be the secound. A government that is there to help guide and direct us but ulimately the decision is all ours. We don't need a government that tells us how to run oour business, whatt health care we should chose, or what we should oor should not eat. We need a government that will latout options give us directions when asked.
There are the greater responsibikites such as national defense, world trade, and international policies. But when it comes to life in the USA less is more and less is better. We need a government that will rovide guidance and not force its will on us!
There are the greater responsibikites such as national defense, world trade, and international policies. But when it comes to life in the USA less is more and less is better. We need a government that will rovide guidance and not force its will on us!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
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