Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks

Every year in America we stop for a day fill our bellys full of food and give thanks. As my friend Bob said this is the one holiday that is not based on a war, someones death, or a religious event. It is truely a day to sit back and be thankful for what you have. But why show thanks on one day, why not be thankful year round? Another friend always said a day living is so much better than the alternative. How true is that! So sit down enjoy the feast on Thanksgiving but remember live is short, life is precious, and the year is too long to be thankful for just one day.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Top 20

If you are in business are went to school and studied business then you have most likely have heard of Pareto's Law. This law basically states that you get 80%of your reward from 20% of your activity. This law is true in everything, business, and in life. For example in sales you will get most of your income/sales from 20% of your clients. Can we utilize this law in everything that we do? Absolutely we can! Just think about it if you focus 100% on the top 20% we can see an 80% return! And we won’t have to worry about the other 80%.

First make a list of what is important to you

Then rank the list from most important to least important

Then draw a line separating the top 20% from the lower 80%

Everything above the line should get 100% of your attention, effort, and focus.

The other 80% will take care of its self.

Following Pareto's Law and the above simple steps will help you in all your endeavors regardless of what they are.

So now go out and focus on the top 20!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stretching your mind

We all know that we should get a proper stretch in on our muscles before we do any strenuous activity, but what about for our minds? Have you ever though about stretching your mind, creating flexibility with in your cerebellum so your mind can stretch and mold to the problems that need attention? How can you stretch your mind so that it can be flexible? Well I am not a neurologist, but I do believe you can easily stretch your mind by doing one simple task about 15 to 20 minutes a day, READ! Reading will provide your mind with stimulation as well as information that will enable your mind to grow. So if you are in highly problematic situations the simple task of reading will stretch your mind so you will be more flexible. So go to the bookstore, library, or your old stash of unread books and READ!